
Monday, October 10, 2011

Resource Monday: Growing Up Global

Every Monday, Whirls and Twirls features one of our favorite resources in global education, travel and/or creativity.

This week, we highly recommend:

Growing Up Global: Raising Children to be at Home in the World

Growing Up Global is a book by Homa Sabat Tavangar, and a complementary website with resources for exposing kids to the world beyond their borders.  

"Growing Up Global: Raising Children to be At Home in the World helps parents to raise children with a global perspective. Not all families can travel overseas to expose their children to world cultures, but they can start engaging with the world right in their own home communities. This hands-on book helps to begin that process."

I love the tone of the book.  It's a practical resource for parents that gives the how and the why of raising children to be global citizens.  It invites the reader to think of opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue in their home, neighborhood and community - and gives concrete suggestions of how to do so.  

One of my favorite features on the website is a resource called One World, Many Stories.  It's a guide with books and activities on a handful of countries, much like what we do here at Whirls and Twirls.

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